Monday, March 22, 2010

Sharon ; "Kimora Lee "

i get to know Sharon Lee on Saturday. actually, i'd talked to her once or twice before. only get to know her name on Saturday when she saw me walking up the stairs at college and asked my name. On Sunday, she came to sit wif me as the air-cond in was blowing straight down to where she sat. she says i look like kimora...1st person other than my siblings who says i look like kimora lee...not sure whether i should be happy or not.. hahah..

was having a small talk with her on fb, and suddenly she said : "youre really pretty btw. lol. u can pull off any of kimoras outfits anyday!"
lol. this might make me sound lesbo. but because i love watching the kimora reality series i keep looking at you all the time. hahahh...

Note: it's just a short post to remind myself boost my confidence, thr's smbody outside knows how to appreciate my beauty... :) Dun always say "i'm ugly...."

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